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Welcome to the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)

Welcome to one of the largest motoring clubs in New Zealand. With over 8,000 members and many thousands of vehicles and motorcycles listed on the club’s database, the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand offers something for everyone. You don’t need to own a Vintage vehicle to become a member – our club caters for all cars, trucks and motorcycles over 30 years old.

The club has 36 branches throughout New Zealand and runs a variety of events to cater for all our members: tarseal trundles, rural runs, hillclimbs, swapmeets and speed events as well as regular club evenings around the country for a yarn with like minded enthusiasts.

Our members share a common appreciation for fascination of age, the individuality and the functional elegance of vehicles from a by-gone era. Club-eligible vehicles include Veteran, Vintage, Post War, Post 1960, Post 1980, Commercial, Motorcycle and Historic Racing vehicles.


67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier.

Calendar of Events

CLUB NIGHT: Our Club Night is every 2nd Wednesday of the month commencing 7:30pm at the clubrooms. Supper is provided. TUESDAY MORNINGS: The Clubrooms are open on Tuesday mornings. Great opportunity to view the library or spares department. Morning Tea is at 10am CLUB RUNS: Midweek Runs-1st Wed of the Month Club Runs- Generally on the Sunday following the club night, refer to the Mag or ring the Club Captain for details SOCIAL GET-TOGETHER: Last Friday of each month Members and visitors are welcome to come along to our very own ‘The Kitchen’ from 6pm. This is a great social get-together; BYO drinks, with a very low cost meal provided. SPARES: Open most Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 11:00 am or by phoning the Parts Manager Brian Taylor cell 027 4436009. LIBRARY HOURS: Open every Tuesday 9am – 11.30am and every Club Night The Branch Library is a comprehensive collection of automotive books, magazines and historical data dating from the early 1900s. Additionally our library has a very wide selection of Art Deco Fashion patterns which are available to members. Some Deco pattern books are available as loans.